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  • AIESEC is a non-governmental organization (NGO) aimed at helping to develop the potential of young individuals through overseas internship programs.  As this organization is managed by young students, AIESEC has opened applications to join their committee to promote their international programs. They are specifically reaching out to first-year undergraduate students. 

The roles you can take on when you first join AIESEC, with a commitment of 1-2 meeting per week, are: 


  • Team Member, Marketing
  • Team Member, International Relations

Within their committee, there are many senior roles that students can aspire to in order to enhance themselves both personally and professionally. 

Interested in joining an international organization, in international experiences and volunteering activities?

Check it out:

Build your international network and learn more about leadership through AIESEC’s activities.


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Piazzale Europa, 1 – 34127 – Trieste, Italia – Tel. +39 040 558 7111 – P.IVA 00211830328 – C.F. 80013890324 – P.E.C.